A group of people sitting on top of a race track


A close up of the front of a racing car


Asientos ubicados en Esterna Prima Variante B, con una excelente vista de la parte interna de la primera chicana, la Variante del Rettifilo, una curva cerradísima testigo del paso de los pilotos en cuarta y quinta marcha, donde pasan de 335 km/h a 85 km/h en tan solo 120 metros, por lo que se aproximan a la recta inicial en séptima marcha.

Predict the future

You didn’t come this far to stop

A green Formula 1 racing car with various sponsor logos including Aston Martin, Bombardier, JCB, Oakley, BWT, and SentinelOne. The car features intricate aerodynamic components and a sleek design. It has a single cockpit with a visible steering wheel and control mechanisms.
A green Formula 1 racing car with various sponsor logos including Aston Martin, Bombardier, JCB, Oakley, BWT, and SentinelOne. The car features intricate aerodynamic components and a sleek design. It has a single cockpit with a visible steering wheel and control mechanisms.